Salinity Standard Solution

Explore Reactivo® range of Salinity standard solutions, with concentrations from 50μg/mL to 1000μg/mL available in both 100mL and 500mL volumes.

product description

Salinity (μg/mL) Volume Product Code
750μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC01.100
750μg/mL 500mL R.ISSC01.500
1000μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC02.100
1000μg/mL 500mL R.ISSC02.500
600μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC03.100
300μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC04.100
100μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC05.100
50μg/mL 100mL R.ISSC06.100
320μg/mL 500mL R.ISSC07.500
520μg/mL 500mL R.ISSC08.500
230μg/mL 500mL R.ISSC09.500


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